I just don't desire to do all the discovery work when at this stage in the game the tuner community should have some commerical offierings (packaged SCT tunes) for us ROE crack-heads. I have the time to fiddle around with the software and from what I've read on the ability to program the various parameters, it should work just fine. Not that my VEC tune is bad or anything, but I'm anal about not having the best engine management for my specific application. Like I posted, DC Performance accomplished this with BAZ's set up but I have no insights into how complicated it was, what it costed BAZ from start to finish since I assume there was a lot of discovery trial & error involved (I prefer not to pay a tuner to 'learn' on my set-up but to quickly and professionally tune based on intellectual capital they have developed as legitimate business endeavor), or how its has worked thereafter. I have to believe the factory PCM (if modified) would respond better than having the ROE intercept and modify fuel and timing tables. 580-.600 lift solid roller cam goes from vacuum to 12+ PSI in the blink of an eye.
What 'approach' is best for handling the abrupt swing in fueling & timing that a ROE gives you? My ROE with the 2.8 blower and.